LIPIT featured on MIT News
Our recent paper in PNAS was featured on the homepage of MIT News Read the full story here.
LIRAS featured on MIT News
Our recent paper out in Nature was featured on the homepage of MIT News You can read the full story here.
Molly and Somu win best presentation awards at NEW.Mech 2023
Kudos to Rachel, James, Bastien, Molly, and Somu for presenting teaser talks at NEW.Mech 2023. Also, congrats to Molly and Somu for winning the best presentation award.
Portela research group awarded J-WAFS seed grant
Carlos Portela is one among 15 PIs across MIT to be awarded the J-WAFS seed grant to conduct early work to solve issues ranging from water contamination to aquaculture monitoring and management.
Somu’s project to be sent to the ISS and the moon.
We celebrate Humanity United with MIT Arts and Nanotechnology in Space (HUMANS), a project for which Somu is the lead of manufacturing and testing, that will be sent to the ISS in May 2023 and the moon end of 2023.
Carlos Portela featured on the cover of MIT Tech Review
Carlos Portela was featured on the cover of the MIT Tech Review magazine’s April 2023 edition and talked about the materials of the future in an article titled “Three takes on tomorrow’s materials”.
Carlos Portela talks at TEDxMIT
Carlos Portela explained the impact of materials of the future through the TEDxMIT talk: “Nano-Architecting the Materials of the Future.”
2.002 Design Challenge featured on MIT News
The 2.002 Design Challenge introduced by the Portela Research Group provided a unique opportunity for undergrads to dive into the world of architected materials.
Somu wins the Best Poster Award at SES 2022
Somayajulu Dhulipala won the Best Poster Award in the category of Solids and Structures at SES 2022 held at Texas A&M University, College Station.
Dr. James Surjadi joins the group
Dr. James Surjadi joined the Portela Group as a Postdoctoral Associate.